Safety Abroad: Enroll in the STEP Program for Free!
If you are living or traveling abroad, chances are you’ve experienced amazing vacations and experiences abroad with family and friends. Being able to travel and see the world is a privilege some don’t get to experience. In the excitement of vacation planning, what most of us don’t stop to consider, is what happens when things go left ? In other words, what happens if there’s a medical emergency? What happens if you run into legal trouble or worse, don’t have immediate access to your funds? Are you left stranded?
Picture it. Your on a vacation. You hit it off with some vacation-week love interest. (lol I know, I know) Next you two are out for drinks and smooching in a corner somewhere. Then bam! There’s flashing lights, a commotion, your bewildered and the police are involved. You and vacation-week -boo are being arrest for making out!
Crazy story right? Not really. Believe it or not there are countries where such behavior is illegal. Making out or having any relations outside of wedlock can land you in jail. What many Americans would consider as harmless flirting or kissing is indeed illegal in various countries.
So what now? Well, you have the option of getting a local attorney. This works only if your in a country that gives you a free phone call, you know who to call and in some cases have the funds to retain an attorney. So what’s a girl to do when she runs into legal, medical or financial trouble abroad?
Let me introduce you to the STEP Program. STEP stands for SMART TRAVELER ENROLLMENT PROGRAM. It is a free program offered to US citizens and nationals traveling and living overseas. STEP allows you to register your trips abroad with the local US embassy or consulate. This is super beneficial as the local embassy or consulate will step in to help US citizens who may be experiencing difficulties abroad. STEP takes it one step further by even providing loans to destitute or stranded Americans. Registering your trip with the local consulate or embassy, gives you a resource abroad.
Additionally, STEP provides information on the latest safety precautions and current environment of countries abroad. I highly recommend subscribing to the STEP program’s electronic newsletter/announcements. With the latest resurgence of human rights violations toward the Black community in the US, it’s now more important than ever to ensure your safety abroad.
Members of the LBGT community are encouraged to research countries they choose to visit. Unfortunately many countries still have laws against sexual orientation. As a travel blogger I promote seeing the world. My position is NOT to scare you, but to inform you. Traveling consists of more than beaches and drinks. Anytime we’re abroad we are subject to laws of the country. Be smart and know your rights and resources abroad. For more information on the STEP program click this link.